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Rainbow Gallery – Petite Very Velvet


The Petite size of Very Velvet comes in the same color range as the regular Very Velvet. This size is better for doing basket weave or tent stitches on 18 count canvas. The regular size Very Velvet was a bit hard to manage on 18 count when doing tent stitches and they looked a bit packed. You may also use this size for longer stitches or use the regular size for satin stitches. The colors march. The hints for the Very Velvet apply here also. Thinner Velour than the Very Velvet, great on 18 ct canvas and cross stitch 10ct.

Available in 87 colors!

Click to see colors: View Colors (Petite Very Velvet are the same as Very Velvet but start with a 6 instead of a 2).

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