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Hedgehog Needlepoint – Atlanta Travel Tag

Original price was: $73.00.Current price is: $54.75.

(HH1-ATL),  3″ x 5″, 18 mesh

What does it all mean?
• P9643C-2V5
• 1. Fire/Feathered Wings – Atlanta was the only city destroyed in the US as an act of war during the Civil war. General Sherman burned almost all of Atlanta to the ground. Only 400 structures remained. As such, the city of Atlanta chose a phoenix rising from the ashes on their city seal.
• 2. Cherokee Rose – the State flower of Georgia, adopted 8/8/1916
• 3. Wings/Feathers – Almost all of the Pro Sports teams in Atlanta have a “feathered* theme…
Atlanta Hawks, Atlanta Phoenix, Atlanta Braves, Atlanta Falcons (Fakons because it was proud, dignified and with great courage and fight)
• 4. P5- there are 55 streets/roads/drives/avenues named Peachtree in Atlanta
• 5. 96 – Atlanta was the site of the 1996 Olympics
• 6. V – The Varsity is the busiest and largest drive
in restaurant in Acanta
• 7.2 – The Varsity serves 2 miles worth of hotdogs every day
• 8. 3-300 gallons of chili served at the Varsity every day
• 9. 25 – 2500 lbs of potatoes served at the Varsity every day
• 10. 43 – State Capital Building is gilded with 43 oz of gold
• 11. PC – Dr. John Pemberton created Coca Cola in 1886
• 12. 45 – The Atlanta ATL airport is as big as 45 football fields

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