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A Needle Necessity – Revised 3rd Edition: Inspired by Thread


What started as a simple revision to the immensely popular reference book- Threads a Needle Necessity has now received a complete facelift!  Compiled by Jane Evans, this is the go to book written by a stitcher, for stitchers, about threads.

This is a reference of threads on the market right now.  What is it made from?  What can I substitute for it?  How many plies should I use on 18ct, 13ct and beyond.  And best of all, what else do I need to know about this thread, is it slippery?  Should I bring my needle up in a clean hole?  Does that matter?  So many tidbits all in an handy 5.5” x 8.5” format.

There’s a list of grab and go threads perfect for new stitchers and traveling stitchers who don’t want to ply while on vacation

Twenty plus new threads have been added.  Some older threads have been discontinued and will be missed.

There is even a list of vegan threads.

And as if all of that isn’t enough, there is a standalone, laminated quick reference guide that you can toss in your bag and carry with you whenever you head out to shop!  This is a huge help when shopping at your local shop or online.


Needle Nook