Stitchers’ Corner

All Dressed Up
(Maggie Designs - Frank Bielec #M-1036)
stitched by
Mary Lee Delafield

Joy – It’s Spreading
(Maggie Designs - Frank Bielec #M-1010)
stitched by
Mary Lee Delafield

Purple Rose Geisha
(Melissa Shirley Designs - #1634-B)
stitched by
Dorothy Cooper

Red & White Candy Cane Ornament
(Melissa Shirley Designs - #1505-C)
stitched by
Lori Kretz

Rover in the Christmas Tree Mini-Sock
(Artists Collection - #MH2515)
stitched by
Lri Kretz

Christmas Woody
(Cooper Oaks Designs #SWB 136)
stitched by
Jane Marks

Golden Retriever Mini-Sock
(A. Bradley #ab361)
stitched by
Gail Gordon

Cookies for Santa
(Gayla Elliott Designs - #608)
stitched by
Bea Shay

Mini-Sock Ornaments
(KS Designs - Campfire Raccoon #CM318, Austin #CM464, Texas #CM219)
stitched by
Julie Parkerson

Tropical Brick Cover
(Needle Crossings #2161 - Seahorses)
stitched by
Jane Carlson

Angel Ornaments with Charms
(Painted Pony Designs - Coffee Break #996EG & Christmas Tree Farm #996GH)
stitched by
Helga Kashfian

Patriotic Stand-up Easel Backed
(KS Designs #PW145 - George Washington)
stitched by
Sherry Van Meter

Christmas Tree Hinged Box
(Julia's Needleworks Hinged Box #LB84)
stitched by
Fay Bullitt

(Cooper Oaks Sunflowers #SWB1046)
stitched by
Virginia White

Santa Flying Through The Stars
(Susan Roberts #TTAXS301)
stitched by
Carol Pittman

Church Kneeler #2
(Finished by Bard Upholstery)
stitched by
Kendra May

Church Kneeler #1
(Finished by Bard Upholstery)
stitched by
Kendra May

Full Sleigh
(Susan Roberts #TTAXS428)
stitched by
Beth Kuzman

(Associated Talents #CT-1201A)
stitched by
Elizabeth Hocker

(Sandra Gilmore #SG-18-360)
stitched by
Rosanne Fleming, framed by The Frame Station, San Diego